Your Guide to Modern Non-Surgical Aesthetic Treatments

Your Guide to Modern Non-Surgical Aesthetic Treatments

Most Common Practices for NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT


1. The BAP Technique (Bio Aesthetic Points)

The BAP Technique is now one of the most popular and highly recommended protocols for non-surgical treatments. With its unique rheological properties, tissue remodeling can be achieved in just two to three sessions (spaced a month apart) by injecting 0.2 cc using a bolus technique into the dermal and subcutaneous layers of the Zygomatic Protuberance, Nose Wing, Tragus, Chin Region, and Mandibular Angle.


2. Multiple Remodeling Technique

The Multiple Remodeling Technique enhances effectiveness and accelerates results by maximizing the number of injection sites, allowing for even distribution of a generous amount of skin booster across the face and promoting tissue remodeling. This can be achieved in three sessions spaced 2-3 weeks apart. For administration, deliver 0.1 cc intradermal injections into papules that are spaced 0.5-1 cm apart, with each papule having a diameter of 2 mm.


3. Radiance Eye Enhancement Technique

The procedure involves applying a local anesthetic cream for 45 minutes, followed by disinfection with a chlorhexidine swab. For each eye, a total of 0.5 cc of the skin booster is injected into the dermis to create superficial papules in the epidermis, with each 0.1 cc injection separated by 5 mm (at least 2 cm away from the eyes). This treatment is scheduled for three sessions, with a two-to-three-week interval between each session. Avoid massaging the papules, as they typically disappear within 24 hours.


4. Mesotherapy

When the microneedle pierces the skin layers and opens fine channels, the Skin Booster automatically penetrates from the applicator and reaches the deep skin evenly, with an absorption rate up to 90% higher than that of manual application. Skin tissue repair can begin quickly, stimulating cell regeneration, restoring vitality and elasticity to the skin, and doubling the healing effect.

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